Good tokens 2025-01-31
Worth your time
Rohit on AGI.
Noah Smith on China Talk. Interesting throughout but what I enjoyed most was him talking about the types of posts he writes: 1. Things he already understands that are topical (he can just sit down and write) 2. Things where he is going out and doing the research because he thinks something should be better understood 3. Things he is passively interested in and just collects links as he goes, so when it becomes topical, he can go back and find those things and quickly write them. I think I can adopt some of this into my own work.
The short case for Nvidia, but also a fantastic explainer on how different approaches to AI work. I now understand what makes Groq special.
I’ll never forget standing in your kitchen in Oakland, watching you juggle a toddler and two babies while making margaritas and asking you about your next venture - what problem you wanted to solve. You looked at me replied “I want to bring commercial super-sonic flight”
— Karl (@KarlGoetze) January 28, 2025