Phind review

I found Phind via Marginal Revolution and Tyler Cowen's recommendation. Overall, I found it to be close to ChatGPT 4, if not slightly better — and free!

I decided to try it out because the moment last year when it seemed like OpenAI might implode reminded me again how reliant I am on ChatGPT, especially for programming.

As I've written before, I don't really program. Instead, I scope and test. My typical workflow looks something like this:

This morning, I tried doing this with Phind.

In terms of overall quality, I found Phind to be in line with ChatGPT 4. I didn't side by side test it, but in the past I've been able to feel pretty quickly when I'm accidentally working with ChatGPT 3.5. I didn't feel this difference working with Phind; if anything, it seemed to have slightly higher quality results for coding tasks.

Here are some of the things I liked:

So why do I say they haven't quite nailed it? It's not clear to me as a user how I'm supposed to use these various fields. I can tell that they're useful and I'm fine with guessing as I go, but I wish they gave me more of a model for how to help them. It would also be helpful to be able to pin or save context (e.g., my directory structure).

So my final verdict, at least after one morning: Pfind is a credible peer for ChatGPT4 for coding tasks.
